The DredgeLand Biography Spectacular and Tuesday Quiz Special

Friendly fire! Yes that’s right, John has let off his firearms early in this weeks show, mainly as a result of his all new haircut.

In information contained within this week’s podcast John is working on a DredgeLand biography and / or screenplay. There’s a few blank pages to begin and to end, but join your dynamic duo as they develop this concept further.

Also taking place throughout the show, Andy reveals what’s in his pocket which soon returns a number of anecdotes about Anne Diamond’s biography (one of five that Andy is currently reading).

The show ends with a review of the DredgeLand Quiz which takes place every Tuesday at 18:00 and not a minute later. Is Andy’s brain addled or just withered away? Find out within this 32 minute podcast audio show!

The DredgeLand Gap in the Market and or Wholesome Spectacular

3…2… Hello and welcome to this weeks DredgeLand Podcast Spectacular.

Join John and Andy this week as they investigate another all new business based concept. However, this week’s show begins with an introduction.

NJ Clidddddddddddddddddd has been in touch with a letter and / or statement of complaint regarding the number of numbers Andy has been using in recent podcast weeks and / or sh0ws. Andy duly responds and encloses a cash gift.

John then spends most of the show listening into and discussing in some detail and / or depth Andy’s brand new business based concept which is going to revolutionise three specific food based industries.

Finally, the show does wind down, so do watch and / or listen out for that.

The DredgeLand Not Pineapple Company Here Spectacular

Good afternoon for all of you listeners and / or morning / evening and please insert here.

Andy has procured 400,000 pineapples during the week, much to John’s surprise. However, Andy has decided he’s going to sell these pineapple’s on the black market as they’ve now been rationed to one per household.

Join Andy and John as they discuss their business plans including utilising the secret back door hatch (accessed by secret word and / or phrase) in the bunker or a secret website which specifically does not mention the pineapple based product in question. John decides how he wants to spend the vast profit made by the DredgeLand Pineapple based business. #Zinc

In other news, we’ve had a letter from a listener who enjoys the show whilst operating light machinery. Please do take care when listening.


Down the Bunker with DredgeLand!

Behold the pilot episode of our strange yet silly sitcom, which follows the daily exploits of Britain’s most Hove-based comedy double act, DredgeLand (John Dredge and Andy Harland).

Since lockdown, the eccentric duo have been living in an underground bunker, and this programme documents a week in the life of DredgeLand as they struggle to fill the time.

Remember, all of our podcasts can be found at

The DredgeLand Call Centre Recruitment and or Induction Spectacular

FACT! Most of our audience have never heard of the internet. John mentions this previously unknown fact right at the beginning of this weeks show (within the first 3 minutes).

We return for another week of Podcast conversation and / or discussion regarding many more of our audience and their correspondence.

John has his annual appraisal in this weeks’ broadcast, where he sets a number of his values and / or task based objectives.

But is all as it seems? In a word. No. Because Andy is actually recruiting for the all new DredgeLand Call Centre Spectacular.

Will John get the job? What is a task based objective? Who’s calling DredgeLand? Will Beatrice learn? Are there any gags in this weeks show?

Well listener, stop reading this and listen in… all shall probably be revealed.



The DredgeLand Podcast Considered Biscuit Making Business Spectacular

Good day and / or good eve!

We’re back for another half and hour (or so) of Podcast Spectacular Content. (PSC).

This week, John and Andy introduce two new characters in a considered beginning to the show. Meet Cheam and Wednesday, the Discotheque Detectives (more to follow).

In other content and / or the bulk of the podcast, John has been running a biscuit based business and has invited Andy in to contribute. Andy and John collaborate to invent the triangle based biscuit complete with biscuit handle. (Brilliant Business making Business).

Later on in the show, Andy introduces his sign making business combined with a range of motto’s which leads to a reminiscent moment of the time John and Andy sold catchphrases to a number of celebrities in the eighties.

Finally, we end the show by winding down. Goodbye.

The DredgeLand Newspaper Spectacular The Daily DredgeLand

Good week to you all! Welcome back to the DredgeLand bunker, 100 leagues beneath the Hove Plinth, Hove Seafront, Hove.

This week, Andy’s had a slip, trip and / or fall whilst filling a void. John reflects on this by reminiscing about a motion picture involving a man with a hobble.

In other information based information presented within; Andy has either launched, might have launched or is in the process of launching or hasn’t at all launched a Broadsheet Newspaper. Andy decides that John should officially contribute and offer advice in the form of another Dear Dredge.

After tall of that, the introduction to the show finally ends. Good day.




The DredgeLand Draconian Government and or Automaton Cleaning Animal Spectacular

Welcome to episode 702! The time is 07:02. Join John and Andy this week as they introduce this weeks show with a time based reference or three.

We’ve had some very early letters this week, many from Cheam. We really enjoy your letters by the way, so please do continue to write in.

In other news and / or content, Andy has built an Automaton robot dog who’s sole purpose is to clean the bunker.  John marvel’s as he meets Master Howard Dog (little Howard Dog) for the first time.

Please do send in your plinths for this weeks competition. We welcome all entries with glee. We also welcome those wishing to transcribe this weeks podcast. Is that you?

Oh and finally, John has made a porcelain cube, 4×4.

The DredgeLand Specially Short Extra Podcast

John and Andy can be heard in this specially short extra podcast taking part in all manner of specially short occurrences from within their highly acclaimed underground bunker.

Listen in fear as they welcome a specially short guest, and empathise with their predicament, which is literally unprecedented in its specially short nature.

Yes, it’s all here, in just under four minutes of fun and/or frivolity. Plinth?

The DredgeLand Sponsorship and or Visit Rhyl Spectacular

Hello all! You’re back again? Well it’s great to see and or be heard by you.

DredgeLand return this week in their audio podcast format, broadcast 100 leagues beneath the Hove Plinth, Hove seafront, Hove.

Andy’s been trying to gain sponsorship this week and has been in touch with at least three companies. During Andy’s endeavours, he’s written to the Rhyl tourist board, which leads to a nonsensical conversation about the number of films made in the Rhyl area.

Also occurring this week is the earliest ever occurrence of the echo, which occurs very early into the show.

We’ve also had a few letters in, one from Rhyl and another. Plus we revisit the concept TV adventure and / or action series The Store Detectives, which this week is set in Rhyl.

That’s all, folks! (until next week).