The DredgeLand Wandsworth Radio LIVE Behind the Scenes of DredgeLand LIVE (28th February 2019)

Good morrow. This week, replacing your usual broadcast is an exclusive look into the behind-the-scenes of the making of behind the scenes of #DredgeLandLIVE

Join your hosts Tim New and Derek Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuune as they take you on an exclusive behind the scenes look at the making of the live DredgeLandLIVE radio spectacular.

You’ll hear from the Wandsworth Radio producers, some of our guests from across the ages and of course Johnson & Johnson the DredgeLandLIVE marketing team.

WARNING: This show also contains the Worlds first radio play of John Dredge and The Plinths new single: Pancake Day.

*All rights to this show belong to Wandsworth Radio 2018. Music played is PRS and all rights belong to the rightful artist.

